Mighty Bond Anti-clog Tech
Precision application, flowback action, longer storage life

Our latest Mighty Bond Anti Clog Tech is a revolutionary instant glue/super glue with whole new features. It comes with a flow-back mechanism that reduces clogging so you can use it even more times and store it longer. Plus, a patented applicator so you can apply the glue precisely, without worries of a spill.
3g tube
​​Applications: Metal, rubber, leather, wood, porcelain, some plastics
WATCH: Mighty Bond Anti-clog Tech Features
Directions for use
Pierce the tube by screwing the nozzle down tightly and turning it clockwise.
Remove the cap to use.
Squeeze the tube and dispense a drop or drops as required, to one of the surfaces to be bonded. Apply just enough to leave a thin film after compression.
Joint the surfaces and apply pressure for a few seconds. Good contact is essential. An adequate bond develops in less than 1 minute.
Remove excess adhesive from assembly.
After use, wipe excess adhesive from the nozzle and recap.
Need more info?
Download Technical Data Sheet
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