Mighty Bond Shoes
Works for all types of shoes. Works even when wet

Mighty Bond Shoes is an advanced cyanoacrylate adhesive formula ideal for use in shoes. Ideal to address emergency situations, this formula bonds rubber and leather footwear in seconds. Our tube of Mighty Bond will go a long way and repair several of your footwear because all you need is 1 drop per square inch. No need to drench your entire shoe with the adhesive! With just 1 drop of Mighty Bond Shoes per square inch, you will experience the strength of the trusted and reliable Mighty Bond brand.
​​3g tube​
​​Applications: DIY repairs of shoes and other projects; bonding of substrates like metal, rubber, leather, wood, porcelain, and some plastics
Directions for use
Screw the nozzle on tube.
To pierce tube, screw nozzle down tightly and turn clockwise
Remove cap
Apply a small amount of glue to one surface
Join surfaces and apply pressure for a few seconds.
NOTE: Good contact is essential
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Landline: +632-8721-5781 to 87
Website: www.pioneer-adhesives.com
Facebook: fb.com/PioneerAdhesivesPH
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